Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Question for You

Hey readers. This is going to be a quickie post, but I really want to ask your opinions. I know you won't comment on this, but I'm hopeful that you might talk to me in real life sometime soon and help me out.

I want to write a novel.

Granted, I've wanted to write a novel for a really long time and it was one of my many goals for last summer that also included "Six Pack Abs" and "Do A Split." Obviously, I succeeded in none of those things. But recently I've been reading up a storm and thinking that I could totally write a book. Nothing grand and sweeping and epic, but something sweet and tender and romantic and funny. 

So this is where I need your help. If you read this blog, then you know the way I write at my most casual. I would probably err on the more formal side if I wrote a book because although I'm no Proust, I'm also no Lauren Conrad, and I would like any book I write to be just a teeny bit literary. So help me out:

1) What kind of book would you expect to read from me?
2) What kinds of things would you want to read in a book from someone with a writing style like mine?
3) Are there any blog entries you think I should refer to for inspiration?
4) Is there a writer you think I resemble?
5) Is there a genre I fit into? Like, should I write something fluffy and chick-lit inspired or should I try for something even just a little bit more serious?
6) Prompts. Give me something, a scenario, a character. Anything.

And finally:

7) Do I have no idea that I am actually a horrifically bad writer and I should give up all notions of ever writing a novel?

Okay, I'm hoping the answer to number 7 is a big No, but you never know. I figured I'd leave it open ended. Please give me your help and your ideas, I want some input, and I would really appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks!

1 comment:

Mr. Butch said...

Here's what I would do if I wrote like you, had your energy and point of view. I would stop "F"ing around and write it.
You have a style in your blogs. You writing is excellent. You have a feminine, energetic and witty voice. You are fun to read and DON'T sound like a college girl.
Why don't you just start writing and see where it goes.

The Man from the Hills