Monday, February 16, 2009

25 Things, But In a Not-So-Creepy Way

Recently, I've been having this weird desire to see if I could do one of those "25 Things" lists, mostly because I don't think I'm interesting enough to put something down for every number. And although I read everyone else's lists like a total creepy stalker, I just couldn't bring myself to do it on Facebook. So I thought, quite logically, that I'd try it out on my blog, where people specifically go (correct me if I'm being narcissistic here) to read about me and the things I think about. Therefore, this is a pretty good forum for it.

Here they are:

1. I have three brothers, ranging in age from 2 to 16 (going on 17). I'm the only child in the family with a first name that has more than one syllable.

2. When I'm not at school, I drive a standard transmission fire engine red Jeep that I've named Jeepy... and I don't care if you think naming cars is stupid. Half the irony is in the fact that it's just Jeep with a Y. I get it. Do you?

3. My favorite color is Fire Engine Red.

4. I'm the Co-Author of three books, two of which are currently in bookstores.

5. I can turn my feet in all the way but have always wished they turned OUT instead. My left foot is slightly pigeon-toed when I walk. It's not cute.

6. I'm half Italian, and the other half is a hodge-podge of Ukrainian, Russian, and Latvian (I think...)

7. I like pasta in all forms. Meaning I eat it hot, cold, AND dry (mmm, crunchy).

8. The other day, I was asked what super power I would have if I could have any super power I wanted. My answer was "The ability to eat anything and not gain weight and not get too full."

9. I HATE cream cheese. I've never tried it, but I hate the smell of it, the look of it, and what seems to be the texture of it. And when I was a kid, I hated every child who had it for breakfast and had shmears of it left over on his or her face. GROSS.

10. I'm a music major, but I rarely actually listen to music. I sing music, I learn about music, and music is one of the things I feel most passionate about in life. But I can't do anything very well while I listen to it (I guess it's a brain coordination thing) and most times it doesn't even occur to me to try.

11. I like to start things from square one and see them all the way through. Like laundry. I prefer to wait till everything is dirty, then wash ALL of it. One small load to get through the week? That's not okay with me.

12. I'm good at drawing. And coloring. I can teach myself any craft and master it pretty swiftly, but I'll get tired of it half way through and throw the materials (yarn? glitter? origami paper?) into this big box of reject arts supplies I have in my closet. My favorite craft is jewelry making. I have some pretty sweet earrings I made years ago.

13. Sometimes I talk to myself. Out loud. Usually behind the wheel.

14. I am SO gullible. My best friend when I was young used to tell me lies like "My house burned down!" because she knew I would believe them in a heartbeat. We're still friends, so clearly I'm also forgiving.

15. I hate confrontation. I avoid it at all costs.

16. I love love. I am at my happiest when I have someone to love.

17. I have a lot of fears... I would venture so far as to say I am afraid of almost everything, but not to the point where it prevents me from doing things that require a dose of bravery. I'm afraid of death and of dying young. I'm constantly scared of any and all public transportation. If you see me make a wide-eyed, terror-stricken expression on the subway sometime, it's nothing you said. I'm just convinced, at that moment, that I'm going to end up like some victim I saw on a Grey's Anatomy episode who had a subway pole driven through her abdomen. Just keep talking, I'll snap out of it.

18. But not on planes. I'm really scared of planes. The Boyfriend's mom was a flight attendant, and unfortunately I've had to veto listening to all of her exciting airplane stories.

19. For years, I had my mom (who's a chef) make me a birthday dinner that consisted of linguini with white clam sauce and greek salad. It was always the same thing and it was always delicious.

20. I like to be alone and I like to do things alone. I really enjoy going to restaurants myself, sitting with a book or a crossword puzzle, and having a salad and a cup of coffee.

21. I ran Cross Country and Indoor Track in high school for two years and I did middle distance. I started Cross Country because my friend asked me to, and I did Indoor Track as a way to get to know a boy... who I dated for four years after that. But I hated the sport. To this day, the sight of a distance race makes me want to vomit.

22. I am really, REALLY competitive. Over the years, I've been able to calm some of the overwhelming rage I feel when someone beats me in something, but I know it's still there. Little things, like a game of Trivial Pursuit at a party or a random sports event will bring it out. It scares even me.

23. I used to (and still can) play Alto, Tenor, and Baritone Saxophone. Bari is my favorite. I wish I played piano.

24. My middle name is Filomena. A lot of people know this about me, but the ones who don't are always surprised.

25. Along those same lines, I use "What's your middle name?" as a conversation starter/pick-up line. I know, I know, Number 25 should actually be "I'm totally pathetic."

And there you have it, 25 Random Facts about myself. None of them particularly interesting or exciting, but hey, at least you haven't been tagged and forced to do this yourself!

...As a side note, I love all past, present, and future presidents for making this holiday possible. Have a good President's Day, WMWC readers!


Ryan said...

Looks like I inspired you to get back into the swing of things. Attagirl. I love the motif of referring guy, as "The Boyfriend." Very Bill Parcells. If you don't catch that reference, no biggie.

Oh, and don't knock cream cheese until you try it. A bagel is simply naked without it.

Alex said...

So I think I would want the same superpower. But I'll add to it a box of truffles and ice cream that would never empty and would be calorie-less and change flavor at my every whim.

Invent, plz?