Thursday, May 21, 2009

Raindrops on Roses, Whiskers on Kittens

The name of this post refers to the song "My Favorite Things" from that Rodgers and Hammerstein gem about a nun and some Nazis - The Sound of Music. But really, this post has nothing to do with any of the hijinks that surround those adorable Von Trapp kinder. Instead, I would like to make a WMWC list (haven't you missed 'em?) entitled:

These Are a Few of My Favorite... Smells.

Is it weird that I want to buy these for my housewarming party?

Why smells, you ask? Well, first off because my sense of smell is very good. Thankfully not as good as my mother's, whose smell is so keen she is disturbed by even the faintest scent of flowery perfume. Which, you know, was great for my self confidence. (Mom: "What is on you!? You smell terrible!" Me: "Uhh... Tommy Girl?") But this post isn't about the various ways that parents scar their offspring. Or about the fact that I still wear Tommy Girl but don't tell anyone. It is, instead, about the many scents I have encountered throughout my life that can bring up vivid memories or simply please my nosebuds (those don't exist). I'm going to try to avoid the obvious (baking cookies, freshly cut grass) since, well, duh. But since I know you're all chomping at the bit (oh the suspense!) here is the official Woo Me With Cupcakes Smell List '09... in no particular order.

1) Grand Central Terminal
This seems like a strange place to start, but it is one of my most favorite smells ever. It's hard to put my finger on its exact smell, but it's a cross between home and adventure. Whether I'm stepping off the train and back into the city or leaving the hustle and bustle, GCT means exciting things, new beginnings, endless possibilities, or that beautiful three-syllable word: vacation. 

2) Gasoline
I know a lot of people are divided on this issue, but the smell of gasoline is intoxicating. Agree or disagree, I'd like to know your opinion.

3) Freshly Washed Male
I don't mean to say that slightly dirty male doesn't also smell delectable, but there is something both comforting and tingle-inducing about the smell of a boy, preferably a cute one, who has just stepped out of the shower. It's a mixture of indifference (Who cares what soap I just used? I don't.) and simple freshness. A similar scent to this, though not nearly as good, is Clean Laundry.

4) Clove Cigarettes
Now, this is a weird one coming from someone who doesn't smoke anything (The Folds! The Folds!) but I really do enjoy the aroma of clove cigarettes. They're warm and inviting and exotic. And a little bit badass because, well, they ARE still cigarettes.

5) Adidas Cologne
Okay, this is even stranger than the cigarettes, and you're going to have to forgive me for it, but my high school boyfriend wore a cologne that I have somehow linked so tightly to my early high school years that one sniff brings me back to the mustard colored walls of Freshman year and I can just feel myself wearing men's pants and a Paul Frank T-shirt. Best part of college: learning to dress myself. 

6) New Books
This is the secret reason why I buy books I could just as easily take out at the library. Hard cover, paperback, picture book - the smell of new books is a glorious thing. Don't sneak up on me in a bookstore... you might find me sniffing up a storm in the New Fiction section.

7) French Vanilla Coffee
For a while, I thought hazelnut was where it's at. Then I got me some french vanilla and BAM. New favorite coffee smell. The end.

8) My Grandmother's Perfume
My Grandma has worn the same perfume ever since I can remember - something floral and freesia-filled, though I could be completely wrong. But a hug from my grandma (for everyone besides my perfume-averse mother, I guess) is like a step into a garden. An expensive, classy one. Located in Bergdorf Goodman's.

9) Nail Salons
There's just something about the chemical fumes, nail polish remover, and paraffin wax that scream "relaxation." I mean, even if you're NOT about the have your feet rubbed and are instead about to have the very hairs plucked out of your follicles (My new theory: Original sin exists and women are paying for it Every. Single. Wax. Thanks, Eve.) the scent of a nail salon means at least you don't have to do it yourself. Sit back, and let someone else torture you. That's luxury.

10) Chlorine
Chlorine means a pool, but more than that, it means a clean pool. See all those kids over there wearing floaties and doing handstands? That strong chemical scent means their fecal matter bacteria is being swiftly killed off, allowing me to swim in peace without threat of E. coli. Sharks and minnows, anyone?

11) Peppermint Tea
This was a difficult one to chose, since there are a vast number of beverages that smell awesome. Other examples? Hot chocolate, hazelnut hot chocolate, beer (Yes, I think beer smells GREAT), coffee, etc... But Peppermint Tea is so goddamn soothing, you can't help but get all zen just wafting it.

12) Mall Pretzel Stores
Forget the fact that I avoid Mall Pretzels like the greasy, calorie-filled plague that they are. Mall Pretzel Stores are like food smell porn. Picture this: You've been shopping for three hours. You're exhausted, your credit cards are still warm from an excess of swiping, and you can hardly see straight because of all the scanning you've been doing for The Perfect Outfit. In a daze, you stumble toward the exit only to pass... The Mall Pretzel Store. You stand there, take it in, absorb that delicious scent of salt and dough. And then you leave. But it was good while it lasted, wasn't it?

13) The Limited Too
This store, my friends, is the scent of my youth. That bubble gum lipgloss smell in conjunction with the smell of various synthetic pom-pom doodads just makes me go "Ahh, middle school. You were awkward." In a good way.

14) Street Nuts
Clarification: I don't mean crazy people who live on the street. I mean the venders who sell those nuts that I basically never eat but almost always love to smell. Nuts 4 Nuts or whatever. Right? Either way, they smell heavenly.

15) A Stage
I'm not sure why the theatre smells so good, particularly the stage part of it. And maybe my fellow performers can understand this a little bit. But step on a stage sometime and take a whiff of the professionalism at work. I mean, it smells like the kind of place where people do what they love and get paid for it. It smells like victory. Mmm.

There you have it, WMWC readers. A good solid fifteen smells for you to sit and bask in. And the next time you see me in person, please do me a favor - tell me your favorite smell. We'll talk about it, we'll reminisce together. We'll maybe even do a little covert sniffing.

1 comment:

Alex said...

I like old books too. When they're hardcover and yellowed and the binding is breaking and they smell like a mix of mildew, intellect, and glue.

BTW I just listened to I Would Do Anything For Love and thought of you.