Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Unabashedly Love Valentine's Day

And I always will.

I know it's super cool to be all edgy and anti the big V-Day, (or National Single Person Awareness Day, as a friend referred to it) but I just don't have it in me. First of all, I like chocolate too much. I get so bubbly and happy just looking at the pink and red Hershey's kisses I bought and put in a little bowl with a heart-shaped post-it note that says "Help Yourself! Someone Loves You!" (Yeah, I did that. Mostly I think I'm the one eating them.) 

I'm a sucker. I can't help it. I just can't.

You can go ahead and think I'm stupid, but I don't care. I think a holiday that's all about love isn't such a bad thing, if you think about it that way. Yes, full disclosure: I'm currently IN love. But I have plenty of other people in my life to love. Don't you? Didn't your mom ever give you a Valentine? Or your friends in elementary school? I mean, everyone clearly was forced to bring cards for the whole class, but didn't you secretly enjoy getting all those valentines in your little bag you got to decorate? Didn't you like making them?

I know what you're thinking. "Well, this girl has clearly never experienced why Valentine's Day can suck so exquisitely hard." Not true. Here's a story:

When I was in 2nd grade, I gave a Valentine to a boy I liked - but not just ANY Valentine. I liked to make my cards by hand (to add personal flair, of course) but for this boy, I put extra care and time into it. I used the prettiest doilies, cut the most perfect red heart I could, and then wrote a special message: "Love Ya! ...For Real."

Valentine's Day 2nd Grade: The First Time I Got My Heart Broken.

Here's how it went. My little crush thought my lovely handmade valentine was nothing short of hilarious, so he showed the whole class. Everyone. They laughed at me and teased me and I cried and cried and cried. For years, it was one of those memories that brought on an awful twinge of regret mixed with anger and hurt. Mmm, gotta love those memories. You know what I'm talking about.

But I got over it. These past few Valentine's Days, which I have spent single, have included no flowers or chocolate (bought by someone besides myself) or kisses or whatever. Yet the lingering possibility that someone, somewhere would come out of the woodwork and declare undying love for me made that day a little bit special. And getting Valentines from a few friends warmed my heart enough to make it a little bit more special.

So now here's the fun part: This year, I have a boyfriend (previously referred to as The Boyfriend... I like to keep continuity so you don't get confused.) He's amazing and sweet and handsome and, well, I'm not going to continue with any more starry-eyed, general terms. But he's perfect, he's mine, and he's going to be with me for Valentine's Day. And although that may make you, my WMWC readers, groan and make an "Ew, gross, blech, vomit, hate-my-life" face, please don't get down about Valentine's Day. Someone loves you - I do! I love you, whoever you are, so buy some chocolate, get yourself a rose, and do something nice for yourself.

If all else fails, the candy goes on sale February 15th. And I think THAT should be cause for celebration.

1 comment:

Sixnia said...

I love Valentine's Day too! I'm soooo happy for sound like you are definitely taken with "the" boyfriend!! I always think of Valentine's Day as a day to surprise/delight favorite friends and family with cards, small gifts, goody bags sprinkled with confetti and tons of carefull cut out little hearts and ribbons {♥!!} - everyone is included in the celebration of love! Can't wait to hear about your sweet Valentine! ♥ Connie