Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Promise to Someone Who Matters


In the past two weeks, more than one person whose opinion matters to me has given me advice that is along the lines of "You have to take care of yourself. You have to make you happy."

Yeah, well, that's easier said than done. I like to make other people happy and tend to lose track of my own happiness along the way. I end up losing sight of what it is that I want and need.

Well you know what? To quote my mother, "Eff you very much," everyone else. I can't appease the entire world and I can't sacrifice myself in the process. I apologize for all of the italics in this (I personally judge people who overuse any kind of font change in their writing. Can't you make a point without the help of underlining or slanty letters?) but they're just necessary right now, you know? And although it's not New Years, I'm making a resolution. An official blog resolution, which makes it real, obviously. The only way it could be realer is if it was on Facebook.

Resolution: I'm going to try to be all about me.

And here are the ways I'm going to do so:

1) Not doing anything I don't want to do. I'll do you favors and I'll be kind, but if I really don't want to do something (excluding working because, well, I need money to finance Number 4 and Number 10) I just won't do it. Simple as that. And if I want to spend my Saturday night reading magazines in my bed, that is totally okay.

2) Making delicious food items for myself and the people around me. But only when I want to, naturally. Microwave cooking for one is also allowed.

3) Not apologizing. This is a big one for me. Unless I really do something mean, or bump someone on the Subway, I'm not saying I'm sorry. So I guess I should change this one to "Not apologizing when an apology isn't necessary."

4) Indulging in a lot of hobbies that include cooking, baking, crafting, exercising, reading, and possible rock climbing if the gaping holes in my fingers from my first attempt on Friday ever heal. Basically I'm going to be a very strong, buff Susie Homemaker. Which is facilitated by the fact that I'm an editorial intern at Martha Stewart Living and totally just scored her new cupcake book (shhh!) Come to my apartment, you might find cupcakes!

This is an origami dragon I made this
 afternoon while watching Californication... 
which, by the way, is awesome. 

5) Making myself look nice for no one but myself, because it makes me feel good.

6) Giving myself things to look forward to that don't rely on other people. Like, "Today, I'm going to get a cup of really good coffee and read a magazine when I get off work." Or, "This weekend, I'm going to wear those shorts I like and go out and have a good time." I'm gonna get myself some Yankee tickets, finally see Hair, and stand in line to see Shakespeare in the Park... because I really want to see Audra do Twelfth Night.

7) Girl time. I've been seeing some of my best friends more often recently, and it's been so refreshing and rehabilitating. So, ladies, I'm going to be calling you more often and wanting to go out for sangria and Mexican and share intimate secrets. I hope you're ready to dish.

8) Letting go of things I can't control. I won't elaborate, but there are things I worry about too much that I can't fix and I can't help. So you know what? I won't worry.

9) Enjoying the way things feel in the moment without worrying about how fleeting they might be. 

10) Having fun. Pure, simple, belly laugh-inducing fun.

Okay, WMWC readers. There's my list and there's my resolution. I'll keep you updated on how it goes, hopefully with pictures of successful crafting/cooking/baking/living adventures.

Oh, and I also made a really sweet origami tortoise after the dragon. Nice, right?

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